Source code for gala.classify

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
#!/usr/bin/env python

# system modules
import os
import logging
import random
import six.moves.cPickle as pck

# libraries
import h5py
import numpy as np
from six.moves import map
from six.moves import range
from six.moves import zip

from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from sklearn.externals import joblib
from sklearn.svm import SVC
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression, LinearRegression

    from vigra.learning import RandomForest as BaseVigraRandomForest
    from vigra.__version__ import version as vigra_version
    vigra_version = tuple(map(int, vigra_version.split('.')))
except ImportError:
    vigra_available = False
    vigra_available = True

def h5py_stack(fn):
        a = np.array(h5py.File(fn, 'r')['stack'])
    except Exception as except_inst:
    return a

[docs]def default_classifier_extension(cl, use_joblib=True): """ Return the default classifier file extension for the given classifier cl. Returns: String of file extension """ if isinstance(cl, VigraRandomForest): return ".classifier.h5" elif use_joblib: return ".classifier.joblib" else: return ".classifier"
[docs]def load_classifier(fn): """Load a classifier previously saved to disk, given a filename. Supported classifier types are: - scikit-learn classifiers saved using either pickle or joblib persistence - vigra random forest classifiers saved in HDF5 format Parameters ---------- fn : string Filename in which the classifier is stored. Returns ------- cl : classifier object cl is one of the supported classifier types; these support at least the standard scikit-learn interface of `fit()` and `predict_proba()` """ if not os.path.exists(fn): raise IOError("No such file or directory: '%s'" % fn) try: with open(fn, 'r') as f: cl = pck.load(f) return cl except (pck.UnpicklingError, UnicodeDecodeError): pass try: cl = joblib.load(fn) return cl except KeyError: pass if vigra_available: cl = VigraRandomForest() try: cl.load_from_disk(fn) return cl except IOError as e: logging.error(e) except RuntimeError as e: logging.error(e) raise IOError("File '%s' does not appear to be a valid classifier file" % fn)
[docs]def save_classifier(cl, fn, use_joblib=True, **kwargs): """Save a classifier to disk. Parameters ---------- cl : classifier object Pickleable object or a classify.VigraRandomForest object. fn : string Writeable path/filename. use_joblib : bool, optional Whether to prefer joblib persistence to pickle. kwargs : keyword arguments Keyword arguments to be passed on to either `pck.dump` or `joblib.dump`. Returns ------- None Notes ----- For joblib persistence, `compress=3` is the default. """ if isinstance(cl, VigraRandomForest): cl.save_to_disk(fn) elif use_joblib: if 'compress' not in kwargs: kwargs['compress'] = 3 joblib.dump(cl, fn, **kwargs) else: with open(fn, 'wb') as f: pck.dump(cl, f, protocol=kwargs.get('protocol', 2))
[docs]def get_classifier(name='random forest', *args, **kwargs): """Return a classifier given a name. Parameters ---------- name : string The name of the classifier, e.g. 'random forest' or 'naive bayes'. *args, **kwargs : Additional arguments to pass to the constructor of the classifier. Returns ------- cl : classifier A classifier object implementing the scikit-learn interface. Raises ------ NotImplementedError If the classifier name is not recognized. Examples -------- >>> cl = get_classifier('random forest', n_estimators=47) >>> isinstance(cl, RandomForestClassifier) True >>> cl.n_estimators 47 >>> from numpy.testing import assert_raises >>> assert_raises(NotImplementedError, get_classifier, 'perfect class') """ name = name.lower() is_random_forest = name.find('random') > -1 and name.find('forest') > -1 is_naive_bayes = name.find('naive') > -1 if vigra_available and is_random_forest: return VigraRandomForest(*args, **kwargs) elif is_random_forest: return DefaultRandomForest(*args, **kwargs) elif is_naive_bayes: from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB if 'random_state' in kwargs: del kwargs['random_state'] return GaussianNB(*args, **kwargs) else: raise NotImplementedError('Classifier "%s" is either not installed ' + 'or not implemented in Gala.')
class DefaultRandomForest(RandomForestClassifier): def __init__(self, n_estimators=100, criterion='entropy', max_depth=20, bootstrap=False, random_state=None): super(DefaultRandomForest, self).__init__( n_estimators=n_estimators, criterion=criterion, max_depth=max_depth, bootstrap=bootstrap, random_state=random_state) class VigraRandomForest(object): def __init__(self, ntrees=255, use_feature_importance=False, sample_classes_individually=False): self.rf = BaseVigraRandomForest(treeCount=ntrees, sample_classes_individually=sample_classes_individually) self.use_feature_importance = use_feature_importance self.sample_classes_individually = sample_classes_individually def fit(self, features, labels): features = self.check_features_vector(features) labels = self.check_labels_vector(labels) if self.use_feature_importance: self.oob, self.feature_importance = \ self.rf.learnRFWithFeatureSelection(features, labels) else: self.oob = self.rf.learnRF(features, labels) return self def predict_proba(self, features): features = self.check_features_vector(features) return self.rf.predictProbabilities(features) def predict(self, features): features = self.check_features_vector(features) return self.rf.predictLabels(features) def check_features_vector(self, features): if features.dtype != np.float32: features = features.astype(np.float32) if features.ndim == 1: features = features[np.newaxis, :] return features def check_labels_vector(self, labels): if labels.dtype != np.uint32: if len(np.unique(labels[labels < 0])) == 1 \ and not (labels==0).any(): labels[labels < 0] = 0 else: labels = labels + labels.min() labels = labels.astype(np.uint32) labels = labels.reshape((labels.size, 1)) return labels def save_to_disk(self, fn, rfgroupname='rf'): self.rf.writeHDF5(fn, rfgroupname) attr_list = ['oob', 'feature_importance', 'use_feature_importance', 'feature_description'] f = h5py.File(fn) for attr in attr_list: if hasattr(self, attr): f[rfgroupname].attrs[attr] = getattr(self, attr) def load_from_disk(self, fn, rfgroupname='rf'): self.rf = BaseVigraRandomForest(str(fn), rfgroupname) f = h5py.File(fn, 'r') for attr in f[rfgroupname].attrs: print("f[%s] = %s" % (attr, f[rfgroupname].attrs[attr])) setattr(self, attr, f[rfgroupname].attrs[attr]) def read_rf_info(fn): f = h5py.File(fn) return list(map(np.array, [f['oob'], f['feature_importance']]))
[docs]def concatenate_data_elements(alldata): """Return one big learning set from a list of learning sets. A learning set is a list/tuple of length 4 containing features, labels, weights, and node merge history. """ return list(map(np.concatenate, zip(*alldata)))
def unique_learning_data_elements(alldata): if type(alldata[0]) not in (list, tuple): alldata = [alldata] f, l, w, h = concatenate_data_elements(alldata) af = f.view('|S%d'%(f.itemsize*(len(f[0])))) _, uids, iids = np.unique(af, return_index=True, return_inverse=True) bcs = np.bincount(iids) logging.debug( 'repeat feature vec min %d, mean %.2f, median %.2f, max %d.' % (bcs.min(), np.mean(bcs), np.median(bcs), bcs.max()) ) def get_uniques(ar): return ar[uids] return list(map(get_uniques, [f, l, w, h]))
[docs]def sample_training_data(features, labels, num_samples=None): """Get a random sample from a classification training dataset. Parameters ---------- features: np.ndarray [M x N] The M (number of samples) by N (number of features) feature matrix. labels: np.ndarray [M] or [M x 1] The training label for each feature vector. num_samples: int, optional The size of the training sample to draw. Return full dataset if `None` or if num_samples >= M. Returns ------- feat: np.ndarray [num_samples x N] The sampled feature vectors. lab: np.ndarray [num_samples] or [num_samples x 1] The sampled training labels """ m = len(features) if num_samples is None or num_samples >= m: return features, labels idxs = random.sample(list(range(m)), num_samples) return features[idxs], labels[idxs]
def save_training_data_to_disk(data, fn, names=None, info='N/A'): if names is None: names = ['features', 'labels', 'weights', 'history'] fout = h5py.File(fn, 'w') for data_elem, name in zip(data, names): fout[name] = data_elem fout.attrs['info'] = info fout.close() def load_training_data_from_disk(fn, names=None, info='N/A'): if names is None: names = ['features', 'labels', 'weights', 'history'] fin = h5py.File(fn, 'r') data = [] for name in names: data.append(np.array(fin[name])) return data
[docs]def boundary_overlap_threshold(boundary_idxs, gt, tol_false, tol_true): """Return -1, 0 or 1 by thresholding overlaps between boundaries.""" n = len(boundary_idxs) gt_boundary = 1-gt.ravel()[boundary_idxs].astype(bool) fraction_true = gt_boundary.astype(np.double).sum() / n if fraction_true > tol_true: return 1 elif fraction_true > tol_false: return 0 else: return -1
[docs]def make_thresholded_boundary_overlap_loss(tol_false, tol_true): """Return a merge loss function based on boundary overlaps.""" def loss(g, n1, n2, gt): boundary_idxs = g[n1][n2]['boundary'] return \ boundary_overlap_threshold(boundary_idxs, gt, tol_false, tol_true) return loss
[docs]def label_merges(g, merge_history, feature_map_function, gt, loss_function): """Replay an agglomeration history and label the loss of each merge.""" labels = np.zeros(len(merge_history)) number_of_features = feature_map_function(g, *next(g.edges_iter())).size features = np.zeros((len(merge_history), number_of_features)) labeled_image = np.zeros(gt.shape, np.double) for i, nodes in enumerate(ip.with_progress( merge_history, title='Replaying merge history...', pbar=ip.StandardProgressBar())): n1, n2 = nodes features[i,:] = feature_map_function(g, n1, n2) labels[i] = loss_function(g, n1, n2, gt) labeled_image.ravel()[g[n1][n2]['boundary']] = 2+labels[i] g.merge_nodes(n1,n2) return features, labels, labeled_image
def select_classifier(cname, features=None, labels=None, **kwargs): if 'svm'.startswith(cname): del kwargs['class_weight'] c = SVC(probability=True, **kwargs) elif 'logistic-regression'.startswith(cname): c = LogisticRegression() elif 'linear-regression'.startswith(cname): c = LinearRegression() elif 'random-forest'.startswith(cname): c = DefaultRandomForest() if features is not None and labels is not None: c =, labels, **kwargs) return c