Source code for gala.viz

from __future__ import absolute_import
from .annotefinder import AnnotationFinder
from math import ceil
import numpy as np
import scipy
from . import evaluate
from skimage import color
import matplotlib
from six.moves import range
from six.moves import zip
plt = matplotlib.pyplot
cm =
import itertools as it



[docs]def imshow_grey(im): """Show a segmentation using a gray colormap. Parameters ---------- im : np.ndarray of int, shape (M, N) The segmentation to be displayed. Returns ------- fig : plt.Figure The image shown. """ return plt.imshow(im,, interpolation='nearest')
[docs]def imshow_jet(im): """Show a segmentation using a jet colormap. Parameters ---------- im : np.ndarray of int, shape (M, N) The segmentation to be displayed. Returns ------- fig : plt.Figure The image shown. """ return plt.imshow(im,, interpolation='nearest')
[docs]def imshow_rand(im, labrandom=True): """Show a segmentation using a random colormap. Parameters ---------- im : np.ndarray of int, shape (M, N) The segmentation to be displayed. labrandom : bool, optional Use random points in the Lab colorspace instead of RGB. Returns ------- fig : plt.Figure The image shown. """ rand_colors = np.random.rand(ceil(im.max()), 3) if labrandom: rand_colors[:, 0] = rand_colors[:, 0] * 60 + 20 rand_colors[:, 1] = rand_colors[:, 1] * 185 - 85 rand_colors[:, 2] = rand_colors[:, 2] * 198 - 106 rand_colors = color.lab2rgb(rand_colors[np.newaxis, ...])[0] rand_colors[rand_colors < 0] = 0 rand_colors[rand_colors > 1] = 1 rcmap = matplotlib.colors.ListedColormap(np.concatenate( (np.zeros((1,3)), rand_colors) )) return plt.imshow(im, cmap=rcmap, interpolation='nearest')
[docs]def draw_seg(seg, im): """Return a segmentation map matching the original image color. Parameters ---------- seg : np.ndarray of int, shape (M, N, ...) The segmentation to be displayed im : np.ndarray, shape (M, N, ..., C) The image corresponding to the segmentation. Returns ------- out : np.ndarray, same shape and type as `im`. An image where each segment has uniform color. Examples -------- >>> a = np.array([[1, 1, 2, 2], ... [1, 2, 2, 3], ... [2, 2, 3, 3]]) >>> g = np.array([[0.5, 0.2, 1.0, 0.9], ... [0.2, 0.8, 0.9, 0.6], ... [0.9, 0.9, 0.4, 0.5]]) >>> draw_seg(a, g) array([[ 0.3, 0.3, 0.9, 0.9], [ 0.3, 0.9, 0.9, 0.5], [ 0.9, 0.9, 0.5, 0.5]]) """ out = np.zeros_like(im) labels = np.unique(seg) if (seg==0).any(): labels = labels[1:] for u in labels: mask = (seg == u).nonzero() color = im[mask].mean(axis=0) out[mask] = color return out
[docs]def display_3d_segmentations(segs, image=None, probability_map=None, axis=0, z=None, fignum=None): """Show slices of multiple 3D segmentations. Parameters ---------- segs : list or tuple of np.ndarray of int, shape (M, N, P) The segmentations to be examined. image : np.ndarray, shape (M, N, P[, 3]), optional The image corresponding to the segmentations. probability_map : np.ndarray, shape (M, N, P), optional The segment boundary probability map. axis : int in {0, 1, 2}, optional The axis along which to show a slice of the segmentation. z : int in [0, `(M, N, P)[axis]`), optional The slice to display. Defaults to the middle slice. fignum : int, optional Which figure number to use. Uses the default (new figure) if none is provided. Returns ------- fig : plt.Figure The figure handle. """ numplots = len(segs) if image is not None: numplots += 1 if probability_map is not None: numplots += 1 candidate_plot_arrangements = list(it.combinations_with_replacement( range(1, 5), 2)) # get the smallest plot arrangement that can display the number of # segmentations we want plot_arrangement = [(i, j) for i, j in candidate_plot_arrangements if i * j >= numplots][0] fig = plt.figure(fignum) current_subplot = 1 if image is not None: plt.subplot(*plot_arrangement + (current_subplot,)) imshow_grey(np.rollaxis(image, axis)[z]) current_subplot += 1 if probability_map is not None: plt.subplot(*plot_arrangement + (current_subplot,)) imshow_jet(np.rollaxis(probability_map, axis)[z]) current_subplot += 1 for i, j in enumerate(range(current_subplot, numplots + 1)): plt.subplot(*plot_arrangement + (j,)) imshow_rand(np.rollaxis(segs[i], axis)[z]) return fig
[docs]def plot_vi(g, history, gt, fig=None): """Plot the VI from segmentations based on Rag and sequence of merges. Parameters ---------- g : agglo.Rag object The region adjacency graph. history : list of tuples The merge history of the RAG. gt : np.ndarray The ground truth corresponding to the RAG. fig : plt.Figure, optional Use this figure for plotting. If not provided, a new figure is created. Returns ------- None """ v = [] n = [] seg = g.get_segmentation() for i in history: seg[seg==i[1]] = i[0] v.append(, gt)) n.append(len(np.unique(seg)-1)) if fig is None: fig = plt.figure() plt.plot(n, v, figure = fig) plt.xlabel('Number of segments', figure = fig) plt.ylabel('vi', figure = fig)
[docs]def plot_vi_breakdown_panel(px, h, title, xlab, ylab, hlines, scatter_size, **kwargs): """Plot a single panel (over or undersegmentation) of VI breakdown plot. Parameters ---------- px : np.ndarray of float, shape (N,) The probability (size) of each segment. h : np.ndarray of float, shape (N,) The conditional entropy of that segment. title, xlab, ylab : string Parameters for `matplotlib.plt.plot`. hlines : iterable of float Plot hyperbolic lines of same VI contribution. For each value `v` in `hlines`, draw the line `h = v/px`. scatter_size : int, optional **kwargs : dict Additional keyword arguments for `matplotlib.pyplot.plot`. Returns ------- None """ x = scipy.arange(max(min(px),1e-10), max(px), (max(px)-min(px))/100.0) for val in hlines: plt.plot(x, val/x, color='gray', ls=':', **kwargs) plt.scatter(px, h, label=title, s=scatter_size, **kwargs) # Make points clickable to identify ID. This section needs work. af = AnnotationFinder(px, h, [str(i) for i in range(len(px))]) plt.connect('button_press_event', af) plt.xlim(xmin=-0.05*max(px), xmax=1.05*max(px)) plt.ylim(ymin=-0.05*max(h), ymax=1.05*max(h)) plt.xlabel(xlab) plt.ylabel(ylab) plt.title(title)
[docs]def plot_vi_breakdown(seg, gt, ignore_seg=[], ignore_gt=[], hlines=None, subplot=False, figsize=None, **kwargs): """Plot conditional entropy H(Y|X) vs P(X) for both seg|gt and gt|seg. Parameters ---------- seg : np.ndarray of int, shape (M, [N, ..., P]) The automatic (candidate) segmentation. gt : np.ndarray of int, shape (M, [N, ..., P]) (same as `seg`) The gold standard/ground truth segmentation. ignore_seg : list of int, optional Ignore segments in this list from the automatic segmentation during evaluation and plotting. ignore_gt : list of int, optional Ignore segments in this list from the ground truth segmentation during evaluation and plotting. hlines : int, optional Plot this many isoclines between the minimum and maximum VI contributions. subplot : bool, optional If True, plot oversegmentation and undersegmentation in separate subplots. figsize : tuple of float, optional The figure width and height, in inches. **kwargs : dict Additional keyword arguments for `matplotlib.pyplot.plot`. Returns ------- None """ plt.ion() pxy,px,py,hxgy,hygx,lpygx,lpxgy = evaluate.vi_tables(seg, gt, ignore_seg, ignore_gt) cu = -px*lpygx co = -py*lpxgy if hlines is None: hlines = [] elif hlines == True: hlines = 10 if type(hlines) == int: maxc = max(cu[cu!=0].max(), co[co!=0].max()) hlines = np.arange(maxc/hlines, maxc, maxc/hlines) plt.figure(figsize=figsize) if subplot: plt.subplot(1,2,1) plot_vi_breakdown_panel(px, -lpygx, 'False merges', 'p(S=seg)', 'H(G|S=seg)', hlines, c='blue', **kwargs) if subplot: plt.subplot(1,2,2) plot_vi_breakdown_panel(py, -lpxgy, 'False splits', 'p(G=gt)', 'H(S|G=gt)', hlines, c='orange', **kwargs) if not subplot: plt.title('vi contributions by body.') plt.legend(loc='upper right', scatterpoints=1) plt.xlabel('Segment size (fraction of volume)', fontsize='large') plt.ylabel('Conditional entropy (bits)', fontsize='large') xmax = max(px.max(), py.max()) plt.xlim(-0.05*xmax, 1.05*xmax) ymax = max(-lpygx.min(), -lpxgy.min()) plt.ylim(-0.05*ymax, 1.05*ymax)
[docs]def add_opts_to_plot(ars, colors='k', markers='^', **kwargs): """In an existing active split-vi plot, add the point of optimal VI. By default, a star marker is used. Parameters ---------- ars : list of numpy arrays Each array has shape (2, N) and represents a split-VI curve, with `ars[i][0]` holding the undersegmentation and `ars[i][1]` holding the oversegmentation for each `i`. colors : string, list of string, or list of float tuple, optional A color specification or list of color specifications. If there are fewer colors than split-VI arrays, the colors are cycled. markers : string, or list of string, optional Point marker specification (as defined in matplotlib) or list thereof. As with colors, if there are fewer markers than VI arrays, the markers are cycled. **kwargs : dict (string keys), optional Keyword arguments to be passed through to `matplotlib.pyplot.scatter`. Returns ------- points : list of `matplotlib.collections.PathCollection` The points returned by each of the calls to `scatter`. """ if type(colors) not in [list, tuple]: colors = [colors] if len(colors) < len(ars): colors = it.cycle(colors) if type(markers) not in [list, tuple]: markers = [markers] if len(markers) < len(ars): markers = it.cycle(markers) points = [] for ar, c, m in zip(ars, colors, markers): opt = ar[:,ar.sum(axis=0).argmin()] points.append(plt.scatter(opt[0], opt[1], c=c, marker=m, **kwargs)) return points
[docs]def add_nats_to_plot(ars, tss, stops=0.5, colors='k', markers='o', **kwargs): """In an existing active split-vi plot, add the natural stopping point. By default, a circle marker is used. Parameters ---------- ars : list of numpy arrays Each array has shape (2, N) and represents a split-VI curve, with `ars[i][0]` holding the undersegmentation and `ars[i][1]` holding the oversegmentation for each `i`. tss : list of numpy arrays Each array has shape (N,) and represents the algorithm threshold that gave rise to the VI measurements in `ars`. stops : float, optional The natural stopping point for the algorithm. For example, if an algorithm merges segments according to a merge probability, the natural stopping point is at $p=0.5$, when there are even odds of the merge being a true merge. colors : string, list of string, or list of float tuple, optional A color specification or list of color specifications. If there are fewer colors than split-VI arrays, the colors are cycled. markers : string, or list of string, optional Point marker specification (as defined in matplotlib) or list thereof. As with colors, if there are fewer markers than VI arrays, the markers are cycled. **kwargs : dict (string keys), optional Keyword arguments to be passed through to `matplotlib.pyplot.scatter`. Returns ------- points : list of `matplotlib.collections.PathCollection` The points returned by each of the calls to `scatter`. """ if type(colors) not in [list, tuple]: colors = [colors] if len(colors) < len(ars): colors = it.cycle(colors) if type(markers) not in [list, tuple]: markers = [markers] if len(markers) < len(ars): markers = it.cycle(markers) if type(stops) not in [list, tuple]: stops = [stops] if len(stops) < len(ars): stops = it.cycle(stops) points = [] for ar, ts, stop, c, m in zip(ars, tss, stops, colors, markers): nat = ar[:,np.flatnonzero(ts<stop)[-1]] points.append(plt.scatter(nat[0], nat[1], c=c, marker=m, **kwargs)) return points
[docs]def plot_split_vi(ars, best=None, colors='k', linespecs='-', **kwargs): """Make a split-VI plot. The split-VI plot was introduced in Nunez-Iglesias et al, 2013 [1] Parameters ---------- ars : array or list of arrays of float, shape (2, N) The input VI arrays. `ars[i][0]` should contain the undersegmentation and `ars[i][1]` the oversegmentation. best : array-like of float, len=2, optional Agglomerative segmentations can't get to (0, 0) VI if the starting superpixels are not perfectly aligned with the gold standard segmentation. Therefore, there is a point of best achievable VI. `best` should contain the coordinates of this point. colors : matplotlib color specification or list thereof, optional The color of each line being plotted. If there are fewer colors than arrays, they are cycled. linespecs : matplotlib line type spec, or list thereof, optional The line type to plot with ('-', '--', '-.', etc). kwargs : dict, string keys, optional Additional keyword arguments to pass through to plt.plot. Returns ------- lines : matplotlib Lines2D object(s) The lines plotted. """ if type(ars) not in [list, tuple]: ars = [ars] if type(colors) not in [list, tuple]: colors = [colors] if len(colors) < len(ars): colors = it.cycle(colors) if type(linespecs) not in [list, tuple]: linespecs = [linespecs] if len(linespecs) < len(ars): linespecs = it.cycle(linespecs) lines = [] for ar, color, linespec in zip(ars, colors, linespecs): lines.append(plt.plot(ar[0], ar[1], c=color, ls=linespec, **kwargs)) if best is not None: lines.append(plt.scatter( best[0], best[1], c=kwargs.get('best-color', 'k'), marker=(5,3,0), **kwargs) ) return lines