Source code for gala.evaluate

# coding=utf-8
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function

import numpy as np
import multiprocessing
import itertools as it
import collections as coll
from functools import partial
import logging
import h5py
import scipy.ndimage as nd
import scipy.sparse as sparse
from scipy.ndimage.measurements import label
from scipy.spatial.distance import pdist, squareform
from sklearn.metrics import precision_recall_curve
from six.moves import map
from six.moves import range
from six.moves import zip

[docs]def sparse_min(mat, axis=None): """Compute the minimum value in a sparse matrix (optionally over an axis). This function mimics the numpy.min() API for sparse.CSC or CSR matrices. Parameters ---------- mat : a scipy.sparse csc or csr matrix The matrix for which to compute the min. axis : int in {0, 1}, optional Compute the minimum over each column (`axis=0`) or over each row (`axis=1`). By default, compute over entire matrix. Returns ------- mn : mat.dtype (if `axis=None`) or np.ndarray of shape (mat.shape[1-axis],) The minimum value in the array or along an axis. """ mn = - sparse_max(-mat, axis) return mn
[docs]def sparse_max(mat, axis=None): """Compute the maximum value in a sparse matrix (optionally over an axis). This function mimics the numpy.max() API for sparse.CSC or CSR matrices. Parameters ---------- mat : a scipy.sparse csc or csr matrix The matrix for which to compute the max. axis : int in {0, 1}, optional Compute the maximum over each column (`axis=0`) or over each row (`axis=1`). By default, compute over entire matrix. Returns ------- mx : mat.dtype (if `axis=None`) or np.ndarray of shape (mat.shape[1-axis],) The maximum value in the array or along an axis. """ if type(mat) == sparse.csr_matrix: mat = mat.tocsc() if axis is None: mx = np.max( elif axis == 0: mx = sparse_csr_row_max(mat.T) elif axis == 1: mx = sparse_csr_row_max(mat.tocsr()) else: raise ValueError("Invalid axis %i for matrix (2 dimensional)." % axis) return mx
[docs]def sparse_csr_row_max(csr_mat): """Compute maximum over each row of a CSR format sparse matrix. Parameters ---------- csr_mat : scipy.sparse.csr_matrix The input matrix. Returns ------- mx : np.ndarray of shape `(mat.shape[0],)` The maximum along every row. """ ret = np.zeros(csr_mat.shape[0]) row_diff = np.diff(csr_mat.indptr) ret[row_diff != 0] = np.maximum.reduceat(, csr_mat.indptr[:-1][row_diff > 0]) return ret
[docs]def bin_values(a, bins=255): """Return an array with its values discretised to the given number of bins. Parameters ---------- a : np.ndarray, arbitrary shape The input array. bins : int, optional The number of bins in which to put the data. default: 255. Returns ------- b : np.ndarray, same shape as a The output array, such that values in bin X are replaced by mean(X). """ if len(np.unique(a)) < 2*bins: return a.copy() b = np.zeros_like(a) m, M = a.min(), a.max() r = M - m # the range of the data step = r / bins lows = np.arange(m, M, step) highs = np.arange(m+step, M+step, step) for low, high in zip(lows, highs): locations = np.flatnonzero((low <= a) * (a < high)) if len(locations) > 0: values = a.ravel()[locations] b.ravel()[locations] = values.mean() return b
[docs]def pixel_wise_boundary_precision_recall(pred, gt): """Evaluate voxel prediction accuracy against a ground truth. Parameters ---------- pred : np.ndarray of int or bool, arbitrary shape The voxel-wise discrete prediction. 1 for boundary, 0 for non-boundary. gt : np.ndarray of int or bool, same shape as `pred` The ground truth boundary voxels. 1 for boundary, 0 for non-boundary. Returns ------- pr : float rec : float The precision and recall values associated with the prediction. Notes ----- Precision is defined as "True Positives / Total Positive Calls", and Recall is defined as "True Positives / Total Positives in Ground Truth". This function only calculates this value for discretized predictions, i.e. it does not work with continuous prediction confidence values. """ tp = float((gt * pred).sum()) fp = (pred * (1-gt)).sum() fn = (gt * (1-pred)).sum() return tp/(tp+fp), tp/(tp+fn)
[docs]def wiggle_room_precision_recall(pred, boundary, margin=2, connectivity=1): """Voxel-wise, continuous value precision recall curve allowing drift. Voxel-wise precision recall evaluates predictions against a ground truth. Wiggle-room precision recall (WRPR, "warper") allows calls from nearby voxels to be counted as correct. Specifically, if a voxel is predicted to be a boundary within a dilation distance of `margin` (distance defined according to `connectivity`) of a true boundary voxel, it will be counted as a True Positive in the Precision, and vice-versa for the Recall. Parameters ---------- pred : np.ndarray of float, arbitrary shape The prediction values, expressed as probability of observing a boundary (i.e. a voxel with label 1). boundary : np.ndarray of int, same shape as pred The true boundary map. 1 indicates boundary, 0 indicates non-boundary. margin : int, optional The number of dilations that define the margin. default: 2. connectivity : {1, ..., pred.ndim}, optional The morphological voxel connectivity (defined as in SciPy) for the dilation step. Returns ------- ts, pred, rec : np.ndarray of float, shape `(len(np.unique(pred)+1),)` The prediction value thresholds corresponding to each precision and recall value, the precision values, and the recall values. """ struct = nd.generate_binary_structure(boundary.ndim, connectivity) gtd = nd.binary_dilation(boundary, struct, margin) struct_m = nd.iterate_structure(struct, margin) pred_dil = nd.grey_dilation(pred, footprint=struct_m) missing = np.setdiff1d(np.unique(pred), np.unique(pred_dil)) for m in missing: pred_dil.ravel()[np.flatnonzero(pred==m)[0]] = m prec, _, ts = precision_recall_curve(gtd.ravel(), pred.ravel()) _, rec, _ = precision_recall_curve(boundary.ravel(), pred_dil.ravel()) return list(zip(ts, prec, rec))
[docs]def get_stratified_sample(ar, n): """Get a regularly-spaced sample of the unique values of an array. Parameters ---------- ar : np.ndarray, arbitrary shape and type The input array. n : int The desired sample size. Returns ------- u : np.ndarray, shape approximately (n,) Notes ----- If `len(np.unique(ar)) <= 2*n`, all the values of `ar` are returned. The requested sample size is taken as an approximate lower bound. Examples -------- >>> ar = np.array([[0, 4, 1, 3], ... [4, 1, 3, 5], ... [3, 5, 2, 1]]) >>> np.unique(ar) array([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]) >>> get_stratified_sample(ar, 3) array([0, 2, 4]) """ u = np.unique(ar) nu = len(u) if nu < 2*n: return u else: step = nu / n return u[0:nu:step]
[docs]def edit_distance(aseg, gt, size_threshold=1000, sp=None): """Find the number of splits and merges needed to convert `aseg` to `gt`. Parameters ---------- aseg : np.ndarray, int type, arbitrary shape The candidate automatic segmentation being evaluated. gt : np.ndarray, int type, same shape as `aseg` The ground truth segmentation. size_threshold : int or float, optional Ignore splits or merges smaller than this number of voxels. sp : np.ndarray, int type, same shape as `aseg`, optional A superpixel map. If provided, compute the edit distance to the best possible agglomeration of `sp` to `gt`, rather than to `gt` itself. Returns ------- (false_merges, false_splits) : float The number of splits and merges needed to convert aseg to gt. """ if sp is None: return raw_edit_distance(aseg, gt, size_threshold) else: from . import agglo bps = agglo.best_possible_segmentation(sp, gt) return raw_edit_distance(aseg, bps, size_threshold)
[docs]def raw_edit_distance(aseg, gt, size_threshold=1000): """Compute the edit distance between two segmentations. Parameters ---------- aseg : np.ndarray, int type, arbitrary shape The candidate automatic segmentation. gt : np.ndarray, int type, same shape as `aseg` The ground truth segmentation. size_threshold : int or float, optional Ignore splits or merges smaller than this number of voxels. Returns ------- (false_merges, false_splits) : float The number of splits and merges required to convert aseg to gt. """ aseg = relabel_from_one(aseg)[0] gt = relabel_from_one(gt)[0] r = contingency_table(aseg, gt, [0], [0], norm=False)[ <= size_threshold] = 0 # make each segment overlap count for 1, since it will be one # operation to fix (split or merge)[] /=[] false_splits = (r.sum(axis=0)-1)[1:].sum() false_merges = (r.sum(axis=1)-1)[1:].sum() return (false_merges, false_splits)
[docs]def relabel_from_one(label_field): """Convert labels in an arbitrary label field to {1, ... number_of_labels}. This function also returns the forward map (mapping the original labels to the reduced labels) and the inverse map (mapping the reduced labels back to the original ones). Parameters ---------- label_field : numpy ndarray (integer type) Returns ------- relabeled : numpy array of same shape as ar forward_map : 1d numpy array of length np.unique(ar) + 1 inverse_map : 1d numpy array of length len(np.unique(ar)) The length is len(np.unique(ar)) + 1 if 0 is not in np.unique(ar) Examples -------- >>> import numpy as np >>> label_field = np.array([1, 1, 5, 5, 8, 99, 42]) >>> relab, fw, inv = relabel_from_one(label_field) >>> relab array([1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 5, 4]) >>> fw array([0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5]) >>> inv array([ 0, 1, 5, 8, 42, 99]) >>> (fw[label_field] == relab).all() True >>> (inv[relab] == label_field).all() True """ labels = np.unique(label_field) labels0 = labels[labels != 0] m = labels.max() if m == len(labels0): # nothing to do, already 1...n labels return label_field, labels, labels forward_map = np.zeros(m+1, int) forward_map[labels0] = np.arange(1, len(labels0) + 1) if not (labels == 0).any(): labels = np.concatenate(([0], labels)) inverse_map = labels return forward_map[label_field], forward_map, inverse_map
[docs]def contingency_table(seg, gt, ignore_seg=[0], ignore_gt=[0], norm=True): """Return the contingency table for all regions in matched segmentations. Parameters ---------- seg : np.ndarray, int type, arbitrary shape A candidate segmentation. gt : np.ndarray, int type, same shape as `seg` The ground truth segmentation. ignore_seg : list of int, optional Values to ignore in `seg`. Voxels in `seg` having a value in this list will not contribute to the contingency table. (default: [0]) ignore_gt : list of int, optional Values to ignore in `gt`. Voxels in `gt` having a value in this list will not contribute to the contingency table. (default: [0]) norm : bool, optional Whether to normalize the table so that it sums to 1. Returns ------- cont : scipy.sparse.csc_matrix A contingency table. `cont[i, j]` will equal the number of voxels labeled `i` in `seg` and `j` in `gt`. (Or the proportion of such voxels if `norm=True`.) """ segr = seg.ravel() gtr = gt.ravel() ij = np.vstack((segr, gtr)) selector = np.ones(segr.shape, np.bool) data = np.ones(len(gtr)) for i in ignore_seg: selector[segr == i] = 0 for j in ignore_gt: selector[gtr == j] = 0 ij = ij[:, selector] data = data[selector] cont = sparse.coo_matrix((data, ij)).tocsc() if norm: cont /= float(cont.sum()) return cont
[docs]def xlogx(x, out=None, in_place=False): """Compute x * log_2(x). We define 0 * log_2(0) = 0 Parameters ---------- x : np.ndarray or scipy.sparse.csc_matrix or csr_matrix The input array. out : same type as x (optional) If provided, use this array/matrix for the result. in_place : bool (optional, default False) Operate directly on x. Returns ------- y : same type as x Result of x * log_2(x). """ if in_place: y = x elif out is None: y = x.copy() else: y = out if type(y) in [sparse.csc_matrix, sparse.csr_matrix]: z = else: z = y nz = z.nonzero() z[nz] *= np.log2(z[nz]) return y
[docs]def special_points_evaluate(eval_fct, coords, flatten=True, coord_format=True): """Return an evaluation function to only evaluate at special coordinates. Parameters ---------- eval_fct : function taking at least two np.ndarray of equal shapes as args The function to be used for evaluation. coords : np.ndarray of int, shape (n_points, n_dim) or (n_points,) The coordinates at which to evaluate the function. The coordinates can either be subscript format (one index into each dimension of input arrays) or index format (a single index into the linear array). For the latter, use `flatten=False`. flatten : bool, optional Whether to flatten the coordinates (default) or leave them untouched (if they are already in raveled format). coord_format : bool, optional Format the coordinates to a tuple of np.ndarray as numpy expects. Set to False if coordinates are already in this format or flattened. Returns ------- special_eval_fct : function taking at least two np.ndarray of equal shapes The returned function is the same as the above function but only evaluated at the coordinates specified. This can be used, for example, to subsample a volume, or to evaluate only whether synapses are correctly assigned, rather than every voxel, in a neuronal image volume. """ if coord_format: coords = [coords[:, i] for i in range(coords.shape[1])] def special_eval_fct(x, y, *args, **kwargs): if flatten: for i in range(len(coords)): if coords[i][0] < 0: coords[i] += x.shape[i] coords2 = np.ravel_multi_index(coords, x.shape) else: coords2 = coords sx = x.ravel()[coords2] sy = y.ravel()[coords2] return eval_fct(sx, sy, *args, **kwargs) return special_eval_fct
[docs]def make_synaptic_functions(fn, fcts): """Make evaluation functions that only evaluate at synaptic sites. Parameters ---------- fn : string Filename containing synapse coordinates, in Raveler format. [1] fcts : function, or iterable of functions Functions to be converted to synaptic evaluation. Returns ------- syn_fcts : function or iterable of functions Evaluation functions that will evaluate only at synaptic sites. Raises ------ ImportError : if the `syngeo` package [2, 3] is not installed. References ---------- [1] [2] [3] """ from syngeo import io as synio synapse_coords = \ synio.raveler_synapse_annotations_to_coords(fn, 'arrays') synapse_coords = np.array(list(it.chain(*synapse_coords))) make_function = partial(special_points_evaluate, coords=synapse_coords) if not isinstance(fcts, coll.Iterable): return make_function(fcts) else: return list(map(make_function, fcts))
[docs]def make_synaptic_vi(fn): """Shortcut for `make_synaptic_functions(fn, split_vi)`.""" return make_synaptic_functions(fn, split_vi)
[docs]def vi(x, y=None, weights=np.ones(2), ignore_x=[0], ignore_y=[0]): """Return the variation of information metric. [1] VI(X, Y) = H(X | Y) + H(Y | X), where H(.|.) denotes the conditional entropy. Parameters ---------- x : np.ndarray Label field (int type) or contingency table (float). `x` is interpreted as a contingency table (summing to 1.0) if and only if `y` is not provided. y : np.ndarray of int, same shape as x, optional A label field to compare to `x`. weights : np.ndarray of float, shape (2,), optional The weights of the conditional entropies of `x` and `y`. Equal weights are the default. ignore_x, ignore_y : list of int, optional Any points having a label in this list are ignored in the evaluation. Ignore 0-labeled points by default. Returns ------- v : float The variation of information between `x` and `y`. References ---------- [1] Meila, M. (2007). Comparing clusterings - an information based distance. Journal of Multivariate Analysis 98, 873-895. """ return, split_vi(x, y, ignore_x, ignore_y))
[docs]def split_vi(x, y=None, ignore_x=[0], ignore_y=[0]): """Return the symmetric conditional entropies associated with the VI. The variation of information is defined as VI(X,Y) = H(X|Y) + H(Y|X). If Y is the ground-truth segmentation, then H(Y|X) can be interpreted as the amount of under-segmentation of Y and H(X|Y) is then the amount of over-segmentation. In other words, a perfect over-segmentation will have H(Y|X)=0 and a perfect under-segmentation will have H(X|Y)=0. If y is None, x is assumed to be a contingency table. Parameters ---------- x : np.ndarray Label field (int type) or contingency table (float). `x` is interpreted as a contingency table (summing to 1.0) if and only if `y` is not provided. y : np.ndarray of int, same shape as x, optional A label field to compare to `x`. ignore_x, ignore_y : list of int, optional Any points having a label in this list are ignored in the evaluation. Ignore 0-labeled points by default. Returns ------- sv : np.ndarray of float, shape (2,) The conditional entropies of Y|X and X|Y. See Also -------- vi """ _, _, _ , hxgy, hygx, _, _ = vi_tables(x, y, ignore_x, ignore_y) # false merges, false splits return np.array([hygx.sum(), hxgy.sum()])
[docs]def vi_pairwise_matrix(segs, split=False): """Compute the pairwise VI distances within a set of segmentations. If 'split' is set to True, two matrices are returned, one for each direction of the conditional entropy. 0-labeled pixels are ignored. Parameters ---------- segs : iterable of np.ndarray of int A list or iterable of segmentations. All arrays must have the same shape. split : bool, optional Should the split VI be returned, or just the VI itself (default)? Returns ------- vi_sq : np.ndarray of float, shape (len(segs), len(segs)) The distances between segmentations. If `split==False`, this is a symmetric square matrix of distances. Otherwise, the lower triangle of the output matrix is the false split distance, while the upper triangle is the false merge distance. """ d = np.array([s.ravel() for s in segs]) if split: def dmerge(x, y): return split_vi(x, y)[0] def dsplit(x, y): return split_vi(x, y)[1] merges, splits = [squareform(pdist(d, df)) for df in [dmerge, dsplit]] out = merges tri = np.tril(np.ones(splits.shape), -1).astype(bool) out[tri] = splits[tri] else: out = squareform(pdist(d, vi)) return out
[docs]def split_vi_threshold(tup): """Compute VI with tuple input (to support multiprocessing). Parameters ---------- tup : a tuple, (np.ndarray, np.ndarray, [int], [int], float) The tuple should consist of:: - the UCM for the candidate segmentation, - the gold standard, - list of ignored labels in the segmentation, - list of ignored labels in the gold standard, - threshold to use for the UCM. Returns ------- sv : np.ndarray of float, shape (2,) The undersegmentation and oversegmentation of the comparison between applying a threshold and connected components labeling of the first array, and the second array. """ ucm, gt, ignore_seg, ignore_gt, t = tup return split_vi(label(ucm<t)[0], gt, ignore_seg, ignore_gt)
[docs]def vi_by_threshold(ucm, gt, ignore_seg=[], ignore_gt=[], npoints=None, nprocessors=None): """Compute the VI at every threshold of the provided UCM. Parameters ---------- ucm : np.ndarray of float, arbitrary shape The Ultrametric Contour Map, where each 0.0-region is separated by a boundary. Higher values of the boundary indicate more confidence in its presence. gt : np.ndarray of int, same shape as `ucm` The ground truth segmentation. ignore_seg : list of int, optional The labels to ignore in the segmentation of the UCM. ignore_gt : list of int, optional The labels to ignore in the ground truth. npoints : int, optional The number of thresholds to sample. By default, all thresholds are sampled. nprocessors : int, optional Number of processors to use for the parallel evaluation of different thresholds. Returns ------- result : np.ndarray of float, shape (3, npoints) The evaluation of segmentation at each threshold. The rows of this array are: - the threshold used - the undersegmentation component of VI - the oversegmentation component of VI """ ts = np.unique(ucm)[1:] if npoints is None: npoints = len(ts) if len(ts) > 2*npoints: ts = ts[np.arange(1, len(ts), len(ts)/npoints)] if nprocessors == 1: # this should avoid pickling overhead result = [split_vi_threshold((ucm, gt, ignore_seg, ignore_gt, t)) for t in ts] else: p = multiprocessing.Pool(nprocessors) result =, ((ucm, gt, ignore_seg, ignore_gt, t) for t in ts)) return np.concatenate((ts[np.newaxis, :], np.array(result).T), axis=0)
[docs]def rand_by_threshold(ucm, gt, npoints=None): """Compute Rand and Adjusted Rand indices for each threshold of a UCM Parameters ---------- ucm : np.ndarray, arbitrary shape An Ultrametric Contour Map of region boundaries having specific values. Higher values indicate higher boundary probabilities. gt : np.ndarray, int type, same shape as ucm The ground truth segmentation. npoints : int, optional If provided, only compute values at npoints thresholds, rather than all thresholds. Useful when ucm has an extremely large number of unique values. Returns ------- ris : np.ndarray of float, shape (3, len(np.unique(ucm))) or (3, npoints) The rand indices of the segmentation induced by thresholding and labeling `ucm` at different values. The 3 rows of `ris` are the values used for thresholding, the corresponding Rand Index at that threshold, and the corresponding Adjusted Rand Index at that threshold. """ ts = np.unique(ucm)[1:] if npoints is None: npoints = len(ts) if len(ts) > 2 * npoints: ts = ts[np.arange(1, len(ts), len(ts) / npoints)] result = np.zeros((2, len(ts))) for i, t in enumerate(ts): seg = label(ucm < t)[0] result[0, i] = rand_index(seg, gt) result[1, i] = adj_rand_index(seg, gt) return np.concatenate((ts[np.newaxis, :], result), axis=0)
[docs]def adapted_rand_error(seg, gt, all_stats=False): """Compute Adapted Rand error as defined by the SNEMI3D contest [1] Formula is given as 1 - the maximal F-score of the Rand index (excluding the zero component of the original labels). Adapted from the SNEMI3D MATLAB script, hence the strange style. Parameters ---------- seg : np.ndarray the segmentation to score, where each value is the label at that point gt : np.ndarray, same shape as seg the groundtruth to score against, where each value is a label all_stats : boolean, optional whether to also return precision and recall as a 3-tuple with rand_error Returns ------- are : float The adapted Rand error; equal to $1 - \frac{2pr}{p + r}$, where $p$ and $r$ are the precision and recall described below. prec : float, optional The adapted Rand precision. (Only returned when `all_stats` is ``True``.) rec : float, optional The adapted Rand recall. (Only returned when `all_stats` is ``True``.) References ---------- [1]: """ # segA is truth, segB is query segA = np.ravel(gt) segB = np.ravel(seg) n = segA.size n_labels_A = np.amax(segA) + 1 n_labels_B = np.amax(segB) + 1 ones_data = np.ones(n) p_ij = sparse.csr_matrix((ones_data, (segA[:], segB[:])), shape=(n_labels_A, n_labels_B)) a = p_ij[1:n_labels_A,:] b = p_ij[1:n_labels_A,1:n_labels_B] c = p_ij[1:n_labels_A,0].todense() d = np.array(b.todense()) ** 2 a_i = np.array(a.sum(1)) b_i = np.array(b.sum(0)) sumA = np.sum(a_i * a_i) sumB = np.sum(b_i * b_i) + (np.sum(c) / n) sumAB = np.sum(d) + (np.sum(c) / n) precision = sumAB / sumB recall = sumAB / sumA fScore = 2.0 * precision * recall / (precision + recall) are = 1.0 - fScore if all_stats: return (are, precision, recall) else: return are
def calc_entropy(split_vals, count): col_count = 0 for key, val in split_vals.items(): col_count += val col_prob = float(col_count) / count ent_val = 0 for key, val in split_vals.items(): val_norm = float(val)/count temp = (val_norm / col_prob) ent_val += temp * np.log2(temp) return -(col_prob * ent_val) def split_vi_mem(x, y): x_labels = np.unique(x) y_labels = np.unique(y) x_labels0 = x_labels[x_labels != 0] y_labels0 = y_labels[y_labels != 0] x_map = {} y_map = {} for label in x_labels0: x_map[label] = {} for label in y_labels0: y_map[label] = {} x_flat = x.ravel() y_flat = y.ravel() count = 0 print("Analyzing similarities") for pos in range(0,len(x_flat)): x_val = x_flat[pos] y_val = y_flat[pos] if x_val != 0 and y_val != 0: x_map[x_val].setdefault(y_val, 0) y_map[y_val].setdefault(x_val, 0) (x_map[x_val])[y_val] += 1 (y_map[y_val])[x_val] += 1 count += 1 print("Finished analyzing similarities") x_ents = {} y_ents = {} x_sum = 0.0 y_sum = 0.0 for key, vals in x_map.items(): x_ents[key] = calc_entropy(vals, count) x_sum += x_ents[key] for key, vals in y_map.items(): y_ents[key] = calc_entropy(vals, count) y_sum += y_ents[key] x_s = sorted(x_ents.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) y_s = sorted(y_ents.items(), key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True) x_sorted = [ pair[0] for pair in x_s ] y_sorted = [ pair[0] for pair in y_s ] return x_sum, y_sum, x_sorted, x_ents, y_sorted, y_ents
[docs]def divide_rows(matrix, column, in_place=False): """Divide each row of `matrix` by the corresponding element in `column`. The result is as follows: out[i, j] = matrix[i, j] / column[i] Parameters ---------- matrix : np.ndarray, scipy.sparse.csc_matrix or csr_matrix, shape (M, N) The input matrix. column : a 1D np.ndarray, shape (M,) The column dividing `matrix`. in_place : bool (optional, default False) Do the computation in-place. Returns ------- out : same type as `matrix` The result of the row-wise division. """ if in_place: out = matrix else: out = matrix.copy() if type(out) in [sparse.csc_matrix, sparse.csr_matrix]: if type(out) == sparse.csr_matrix: convert_to_csr = True out = out.tocsc() else: convert_to_csr = False column_repeated = np.take(column, out.indices) nz =[nz] /= column_repeated[nz] if convert_to_csr: out = out.tocsr() else: out /= column[:, np.newaxis] return out
[docs]def divide_columns(matrix, row, in_place=False): """Divide each column of `matrix` by the corresponding element in `row`. The result is as follows: out[i, j] = matrix[i, j] / row[j] Parameters ---------- matrix : np.ndarray, scipy.sparse.csc_matrix or csr_matrix, shape (M, N) The input matrix. column : a 1D np.ndarray, shape (N,) The row dividing `matrix`. in_place : bool (optional, default False) Do the computation in-place. Returns ------- out : same type as `matrix` The result of the row-wise division. """ if in_place: out = matrix else: out = matrix.copy() if type(out) in [sparse.csc_matrix, sparse.csr_matrix]: if type(out) == sparse.csc_matrix: convert_to_csc = True out = out.tocsr() else: convert_to_csc = False row_repeated = np.take(row, out.indices) nz =[nz] /= row_repeated[nz] if convert_to_csc: out = out.tocsc() else: out /= row[np.newaxis, :] return out
[docs]def vi_tables(x, y=None, ignore_x=[0], ignore_y=[0]): """Return probability tables used for calculating VI. If y is None, x is assumed to be a contingency table. Parameters ---------- x, y : np.ndarray Either x and y are provided as equal-shaped np.ndarray label fields (int type), or y is not provided and x is a contingency table (sparse.csc_matrix) that may or may not sum to 1. ignore_x, ignore_y : list of int, optional Rows and columns (respectively) to ignore in the contingency table. These are labels that are not counted when evaluating VI. Returns ------- pxy : sparse.csc_matrix of float The normalized contingency table. px, py, hxgy, hygx, lpygx, lpxgy : np.ndarray of float The proportions of each label in `x` and `y` (`px`, `py`), the per-segment conditional entropies of `x` given `y` and vice-versa, the per-segment conditional probability p log p. """ if y is not None: pxy = contingency_table(x, y, ignore_x, ignore_y) else: cont = x total = float(cont.sum()) # normalize, since it is an identity op if already done pxy = cont / total # Calculate probabilities px = np.array(pxy.sum(axis=1)).ravel() py = np.array(pxy.sum(axis=0)).ravel() # Remove zero rows/cols nzx = px.nonzero()[0] nzy = py.nonzero()[0] nzpx = px[nzx] nzpy = py[nzy] nzpxy = pxy[nzx, :][:, nzy] # Calculate log conditional probabilities and entropies lpygx = np.zeros(np.shape(px)) lpygx[nzx] = xlogx(divide_rows(nzpxy, nzpx)).sum(axis=1) # \sum_x{p_{y|x} \log{p_{y|x}}} hygx = -(px*lpygx) # \sum_x{p_x H(Y|X=x)} = H(Y|X) lpxgy = np.zeros(np.shape(py)) lpxgy[nzy] = xlogx(divide_columns(nzpxy, nzpy)).sum(axis=0) hxgy = -(py*lpxgy) return [pxy] + list(map(np.asarray, [px, py, hxgy, hygx, lpygx, lpxgy]))
[docs]def sorted_vi_components(s1, s2, ignore1=[0], ignore2=[0], compress=False): """Return lists of the most entropic segments in s1|s2 and s2|s1. Parameters ---------- s1, s2 : np.ndarray of int Segmentations to be compared. Usually, `s1` will be a candidate segmentation and `s2` will be the ground truth or target segmentation. ignore1, ignore2 : list of int, optional Labels in these lists are ignored in computing the VI. 0-labels are ignored by default; pass empty lists to use all labels. compress : bool, optional The 'compress' flag performs a remapping of the labels before doing the VI computation, resulting in memory savings when many labels are not used in the volume. (For example, if you have just two labels, 1 and 1,000,000, 'compress=False' will give a vector of length 1,000,000, whereas with 'compress=True' it will have just size 2.) Returns ------- ii1 : np.ndarray of int The labels in `s1` having the most entropy. If `s1` is the automatic segmentation, these are the worst false merges. h2g1 : np.ndarray of float The conditional entropy corresponding to the labels in `ii1`. ii2 : np.ndarray of int The labels in `s1` having the most entropy. These correspond to the worst false splits. h2g1 : np.ndarray of float The conditional entropy corresponding to the labels in `ii2`. """ if compress: s1, forw1, back1 = relabel_from_one(s1) s2, forw2, back2 = relabel_from_one(s2) _, _, _, h1g2, h2g1, _, _ = vi_tables(s1, s2, ignore1, ignore2) i1 = (-h2g1).argsort() i2 = (-h1g2).argsort() ii1 = back1[i1] if compress else i1 ii2 = back2[i2] if compress else i2 return ii1, h2g1[i1], ii2, h1g2[i2]
[docs]def split_components(idx, cont, num_elems=4, axis=0): """Return the indices of the bodies most overlapping with body idx. Parameters ---------- idx : int The segment index being examined. cont : sparse.csc_matrix The normalized contingency table. num_elems : int, optional The number of overlapping bodies desired. axis : int, optional The axis along which to perform the calculations. Assuming `cont` has the automatic segmentation as the rows and the gold standard as the columns, `axis=0` will return the segment IDs in the gold standard of the worst merges comprising `idx`, while `axis=1` will return the segment IDs in the automatic segmentation of the worst splits comprising `idx`. Value: comps : list of (int, float, float) tuples `num_elems` indices of the biggest overlaps comprising `idx`, along with the percent of `idx` that they comprise and the percent of themselves that overlaps with `idx`. """ if axis == 1: cont= cont.T x_sizes = np.asarray(cont.sum(axis=1)).ravel() y_sizes = np.asarray(cont.sum(axis=0)).ravel() cc = divide_rows(cont, x_sizes)[idx].toarray().ravel() cct = divide_columns(cont, y_sizes)[idx].toarray().ravel() idxs = (-cc).argsort()[:num_elems] probs = cc[idxs] probst = cct[idxs] return list(zip(idxs, probs, probst))
[docs]def rand_values(cont_table): """Calculate values for Rand Index and related values, e.g. Adjusted Rand. Parameters ---------- cont_table : scipy.sparse.csc_matrix A contingency table of the two segmentations. Returns ------- a, b, c, d : float The values necessary for computing Rand Index and related values. [1, 2] References ---------- [1] Rand, W. M. (1971). Objective criteria for the evaluation of clustering methods. J Am Stat Assoc. [2] on 2013-05-16. """ n = cont_table.sum() sum1 = (cont_table.multiply(cont_table)).sum() sum2 = (np.asarray(cont_table.sum(axis=1)) ** 2).sum() sum3 = (np.asarray(cont_table.sum(axis=0)) ** 2).sum() a = (sum1 - n)/2.0; b = (sum2 - sum1)/2 c = (sum3 - sum1)/2 d = (sum1 + n**2 - sum2 - sum3)/2 return a, b, c, d
[docs]def rand_index(x, y=None): """Return the unadjusted Rand index. [1] Parameters ---------- x, y : np.ndarray Either x and y are provided as equal-shaped np.ndarray label fields (int type), or y is not provided and x is a contingency table (sparse.csc_matrix) that is *not* normalised to sum to 1. Returns ------- ri : float The Rand index of `x` and `y`. References ---------- [1] WM Rand. (1971) Objective criteria for the evaluation of clustering methods. J Am Stat Assoc. 66: 846–850 """ cont = x if y is None else contingency_table(x, y, norm=False) a, b, c, d = rand_values(cont) return (a+d)/(a+b+c+d)
[docs]def adj_rand_index(x, y=None): """Return the adjusted Rand index. The Adjusted Rand Index (ARI) is the deviation of the Rand Index from the expected value if the marginal distributions of the contingency table were independent. Its value ranges from 1 (perfectly correlated marginals) to -1 (perfectly anti-correlated). Parameters ---------- x, y : np.ndarray Either x and y are provided as equal-shaped np.ndarray label fields (int type), or y is not provided and x is a contingency table (sparse.csc_matrix) that is *not* normalised to sum to 1. Returns ------- ari : float The adjusted Rand index of `x` and `y`. """ cont = x if y is None else contingency_table(x, y, norm=False) a, b, c, d = rand_values(cont) nk = a+b+c+d return (nk*(a+d) - ((a+b)*(a+c) + (c+d)*(b+d)))/( nk**2 - ((a+b)*(a+c) + (c+d)*(b+d)))
[docs]def fm_index(x, y=None): """Return the Fowlkes-Mallows index. [1] Parameters ---------- x, y : np.ndarray Either x and y are provided as equal-shaped np.ndarray label fields (int type), or y is not provided and x is a contingency table (sparse.csc_matrix) that is *not* normalised to sum to 1. Returns ------- fm : float The FM index of `x` and `y`. 1 is perfect agreement. References ---------- [1] EB Fowlkes & CL Mallows. (1983) A method for comparing two hierarchical clusterings. J Am Stat Assoc 78: 553 """ cont = x if y is None else contingency_table(x, y, norm=False) a, b, c, d = rand_values(cont) return a/(np.sqrt((a+b)*(a+c)))
[docs]def reduce_vi(fn_pattern='testing/%i/flat-single-channel-tr%i-%i-%.2f.lzf.h5', iterable=[(ts, tr, ts) for ts, tr in it.permutations(range(8), 2)], thresholds=np.arange(0, 1.01, 0.01)): """Compile evaluation results embedded in many .h5 files under "vi". Parameters ---------- fn_pattern : string, optional A format string defining the files to be examined. iterable : iterable of tuples, optional The (partial) tuples to apply to the format string to obtain individual files. thresholds : iterable of float, optional The final tuple elements to apply to the format string. The final tuples are the product of `iterable` and `thresholds`. Returns ------- vi : np.ndarray of float, shape (3, len(thresholds)) The under and over segmentation components of VI at each threshold. `vi[0, :]` is the threshold, `vi[1, :]` the undersegmentation and `vi[2, :]` is the oversegmentation. """ iterable = list(iterable) vi = np.zeros((3, len(thresholds), len(iterable)), np.double) current_vi = np.zeros(3) for i, t in enumerate(thresholds): for j, v in enumerate(iterable): current_fn = fn_pattern % (tuple(v) + (t,)) try: f = h5py.File(current_fn, 'r') except IOError: logging.warning('IOError: could not open file %s' % current_fn) else: try: current_vi = np.array(f['vi'])[:, 0] except IOError: logging.warning('IOError: could not open file %s' % current_fn) except KeyError: logging.warning('KeyError: could not find vi in file %s' % current_fn) finally: f.close() vi[:, i, j] += current_vi return vi
[docs]def sem(ar, axis=None): """Calculate the standard error of the mean (SEM) along an axis. Parameters ---------- ar : np.ndarray The input array of values. axis : int, optional Calculate SEM along the given axis. If omitted, calculate along the raveled array. Returns ------- sem : float or np.ndarray of float The SEM over the whole array (if `axis=None`) or over the chosen axis. """ if axis is None: ar = ar.ravel() axis = 0 return np.std(ar, axis=axis) / np.sqrt(ar.shape[axis])
[docs]def vi_statistics(vi_table): """Descriptive statistics from a block of related VI evaluations. Parameters ---------- vi_table : np.ndarray of float An array containing VI evaluations of various samples. The last axis represents the samples. Returns ------- means, sems, medians : np.ndarrays of float The statistics of the given array along the samples axis. """ return np.mean(vi_table, axis=-1), sem(vi_table, axis=-1), \ np.median(vi_table, axis=-1)